David Wu

Reading List


I'm David Wu. I currently work as a Software Engineer at AWS. I graduated from Princeton University in June 2019 with a B.S.E. in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Feel free to explore the site. A lot more coming in the future.

Software Development Engineer

🟧 Amazon Web Services

Apr 2022 - Present

Software Engineer


Jun 2019 - Mar 2022

B.S.E., Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

🟧 Princeton University

Sep 2015 - Jun 2019

High School

🟦 North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics

Aug 2013 - Jun 2015



Spring 2019 / COS 333: Advanced Programming Techniques

TigerMeet is a web application that enables Princeton University students to connect with other students for recreation, transportation, and academic coordination. It is divided into sections of general interest (i.e. Sports, Transportation) each with a general chat as well as the ability to create specific events with chatrooms for users to connect.

Search and Rescue Robot

Spring 2018 / MAE 322: Mechanical Design

Our team was tasked with designing, fabricating, and testing a Search and Rescue Robot (SaRR) that will simulate real-life search and rescue operations by performing the following tasks:

  • Retrieve a simulated medical kit weighing 2.5 lbs
  • Quickly drive to and around a pylon placed about 50’ away
  • Autonomously breach a 12” tall stair-step obstacle
  • Autonomously navigate a twisting chute without contacting walls
  • Autonomously sense and drive toward a light source
  • Autonomously place the simulated medical kit into a basket at the light source

Imaging CubeSat

Spring 2018 / MAE 342: Space System Design

Interdisciplinary Mission for Imaging Satellites and SpacE Debris (I-MISSED)

The primary goal of I-MISSED is the design of a 6U sized cubesat that can be launched into GEO for the imaging of a subject satellite, GOES-T, on schedule to launch in 2020. This follower cubesat can perform on-station, on-demand visual imaging of the multi-billion dollar subject satellite, providing operating information on mechanism deployments and damage assessments after potential collision events. A secondary objective will be performing basic space debris analysis that can provide feedback on potential impacts.

Truss Crane / Wing Box

Fall 2017 / MAE 321: Engineering Design

The goal of this project is to design a lightweight structure (crane) of minimum weight that could lift at least 260 pounds. The structure is constrained by a $250 budget for materials and overall shape dimensions. Removing material in optimized areas decreased total weight and incorporating different aluminum grades supported areas under greater or lower stresses for the lowest weight. The crane was machined and tested with a pulley device.


Jun-Aug 2017

Developed a computer vision program with MATLAB to track and model the 3D structure of dynamic artificial caudal fins with a single camera for bio-inspired propulsion research.

CS Projects

CS 6675: Advanced Internet Systems and Applications (Link)

  • Search Engines, Peer-to-Peer Computing, Mobile Internet and Location Acquisition Technology, Location-Based Services and Crowd Computing, Crowd Computing and Collaborative Recommendations, Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology, Blockchain Security, Optimization and Trust Management, Web Server, Web Proxy and Application Server Technology, Computing and Server Virtualization, Key-Value Systems and Data Warehouse Systems, Content Distribution Networks, RFID and Internet of Things, Big Data as a Service

CS 7643: Deep Learning (Link)

  • Neural Networks, Convolutional Neural Networks and Imbalanced Data, RNNs and LSTMs, Seq2Seq, and Transformers, Final Project: Predicting Edges in the Iron March Dataset Using Graph Neural Networks

CS 6250: Computer Networks (Link)

  • Simulating Networks, Spanning Tree Protocol, TCP Fast Open, Distance Vector Routing, Congestion Control, SDN Firewall, BGP Hijacking

CS 7641: Machine Learning (Link)

  • Supervised Learning, Randomized Optimization, Unsupervised Learning and Dimensionality Reduction, Markov Decision Processes

COS 333: Advanced Programming Techniques (Link)

  • Regular Expression Matching, Feeping Creaturism, All Your Base64 Are Belong To Us, Full Stack Overflow

COS 226: Algorithms and Data Structures (Link)

  • Percolation, Queues, Autocomplete, 8 Puzzle, Kd-Trees, WordNet, Seam Carving, Burrows-Wheeler

COS 217: Introduction to Programming Systems (Link)

  • A "De-Comment" Program, A String Module and Client, A Symbol Table Module, Assembly Language Programming and Testing, A Buffer Overrun Attack, A Heap Manager Module, A Unix Shell

COS 126: General Computer Science (Link)

  • N-Body Simulation, Recursive Graphics, Global Sequence Alignment, Linear Feedback Shift Register, Guitar Hero, Markov Model, Traveling Salesperson Problem, Atomic Nature of Matter


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